Marcy Walker ARTICLES
- Surprise! She's a Good Girl at Heart!
- Why Marcy Walker Kept Her
Wedding A
- Marcy
Walker's Ecstatic: "I'm having a
- The Love
Story of Santa Barbara's Cruz
and Eden
- Marcy Walker
- How
Soap Stars Raise Their Kids
- Marcy Walker: On marriage, motherhood,
and those sizzling love scenes
- Marcy's Paris Diary
- SB Eden '91 Going Away Party
- Marcy Talking
About A Martinez
- Cruz and Eden's Family
- Can
Santa Barbara Survive Without
- Out of the Garden of Eden
- GL's
Marcy Walker "Love is the Answer"
- Introducing GLs Marcy Walker
- Kiss and Tell
- Back to the Future
- Liza Woos Tad
- Dixie and Tad's Breakup
- Psychotic
role shows WALKER's
villainous side
- Torn Between Two Loves
- The Juggler
- Liza's Manhunt
- Mother Knows Best
- The Play's the Thing
- AMC Stars Put on the
- More Marcy!
- AMC News Blurb
- Love Letters
- Liza's History
- Have Suitcase, Will
- Marcy Walker: "I'm Really
- Meet Liza Colby
- Marcy Walker chooses faith over soaps
- The New York Times
- She's found her 'Guiding Light'
- From Soaps to
Serving God
- Marcys most Memoral Christmas
- Marcy
Walker: "I love 'playing' a baddie ...
but wish people wouldn't hate me! I'm not
like Liza at all!"
- The Best Days of her Life ... are now!
- "Healthstyles
of the fit and famous"
- Marcy on Eden and Cruz, Edens Rape
and Unforgettable Scene
- Getting
Intimate with Santa Barbara's A
Martinez and Marcy Walker
- Interview from Soap Opera Update
- Marcy Walker on Liza Colby
- The Beginning of an Actress
- Walker, Pine Valley Ranger
- AOL 1995 Chat
- AOL 1998 Chat
- Cameron Clicks
- My Mother, Myself
- Marcy Walker Interview with TV Guide
- Liza with a Zing
- Marcy Walker's Serpentine
Through Life Has Brought Her...Peace &
- Beat The Clock
- Walker on the Wild Side
- Character
Profile Liza Colby
- Look Who's In Love...
- Clean up your act!
- Video Vixen
- Moving Madness
- Liza Drops a Bomb
- Sounding Board
- Soap Violence
- What was the Best Present you ever
gave at christmas?
- Guiding Light
- Runner-Up: Marcy Walker as Liza Colby
- Surprise Twist
- Leaders among Leading
- Gown & Out
in Santa Barbara
- Between Love And Hate
- My 2 Loves
- Rating The Soap
Star Hairstyles
- Bye Bye Barbara
- Performer of the Week
- "ROUND UP What is your best or
memory of going back to school?
- Hot Shot
- Will You Marry Me?
- Let's Do Brunch
- SOW names Marcy performer of the
week for w/o Dec. 2
- Hit ... The ugly
truth on AMC
- Performer of the Week
- Applause, Applause - Marcy
(Liza, All My Children)
- AMC Beauty falls for Younger Guy!
- A Mother's Nature
- Real Life
Duos and where they are now
- Beauty Bar - Stars Reveal Their
Beauty Blunders
- Hit...Liza's
confession on AMC
- Star Talk
- Grand Tribute
- Kicking The Habit
- High and Lau
- Round Up: Which celebrity is most like
soap character, and why?
- Beauty Secrets: Personally
- Soap Talk: Question: Do you have a
favorite household invention?
- A Big Break
- A Mothers Love
- Love's
First Blush Tad & Liza: All Fired
- Hello, Again
- Behind The
Scenes at the SOD Awards
- ABC News Blurb
- Picky, Picky
- Best
storyline on All My Children-Liza and
Adam's Romance
- Fowl Play |
Beat The Clock |
Time Is Of The
Essence For AMC's Marcy Walker
Juggling a family
and career doesn't come easy. Despite her glamorous profession, All My Children's working
mom, Marcy Walker (Liza), admits that sometimes her laundry piles up, too.
DIGEST: You remarried last December. How are you adjusting to the new family?
MARCY WALKER: Everything's great. [Son] Taylor's had an incredible summer. He's in the
sixth grade this fall.
DIGEST: Are all his friends impressed that his mom's on TV?
WALKER: If they were impressed, I wouldn't know. But I don't think that they are. I think
maybe in the beginning it's kind of cool. But at the same time, I think there's also a
stigma. Maybe you get examined a little bit more; your kid gets examined a little bit
more. And if there's any hint of any kind of negative feeling from anyone, it could
reflect on your kid, so you just hope it almost doesn't matter at all. It's just a job
that I have, and I can create relationships with his friends by just being me.
DIGEST: Around town, does everyone see you
as a regular neighbor?
WALKER: Yeah, pretty much. I live in the same town as David [Canary, Adam/Stuart]. It's
not like it's a big celebrity town. They just see you as a normal person going about your
normal everyday life.
DIGEST: Do you go to PTA meetings and soccer games?
WALKER: I like to be involved. Yesterday, I was a chaperone for our youth group at church
- we all went to Great Adventure. But usually, on a consistent basis, I never know if I
can commit to being actively involved in, let's say, the PTA, to a point where I could
really make a difference. And so I tend not to get involved in things wholeheartedly. I'm
more of a peripheral activist rather than somebody who's actively involved I can always do
phone calls and things that require sitting down and doing paperwork. I can find time,
even at work, to do stuff like that. But if it requires showing up every Tuesday at 5:30,
I have to say no. I couldn't do it, and then I'd be a disappointment.
DIGEST: Plus, you need time for your family.
WALKER: I was talking to somebody recently and they were saying, "Yeah, everybody's
so angry in their cars. And then you go into the drug store or the Dunkin' Donuts to get
something and people are angry in line." And I thought to myself, "Well, that's
because we're trying to cram too much into a day." If you try to stuff your day so
that every moment is a productive moment, by the end of the day, not only are you
exhausted but the end of your day suddenly becomes 9 o'clock at night. There are a lot of
people who don't get out of work until 7, and when they get home, it's almost 8. It's
become very typical.
DIGEST: Are you comfortable with the
balance that you've struck between work and home life, or do you ever feel like the
scale's tipping?
WALKER: Every once in a while, it will tip because we'll go through really heavy periods
of work. When that happens, when you're loaded up with work, a couple of months go by, and
you start to go, "Not only have I had no quality time for myself, but I've had
nothing extracurricular, and I haven't been able to take care of myself as well because
I'm not eating as well." So all of a sudden, you do feel out of balance. I can't call
in sick. I can't go, "You know what? I need a week off." That's not how our
business is set up.
DIGEST: What do you do to recharge your battery?
WALKER: That's a hard one because realistically the only thing to do is stop. Some
Saturdays, I just don't do the millions of errands I know need to be done. I won't even
make a list of things to do because I know I'm not getting to it. It's taken me all these
years, but I'm kind of getting to the point where I realize I have to really plan ahead.
If you plan ahead when you know certain times of the year are going to be really busy and
you go, "I'm gong to ask for a week during this," you have something to look
forward to. Going through two hard months isn't going to feel as hard because you've taken
care of yourself by procuring a week in the middle of all this busyness. I've taken a cue
from David and Michael [E. Knight, Tad] and people who take vacations and plan ahead. I
say, "Gosh, how come they're rested?" Because they've learned how to take care
of themselves and their families. I wasn't one of those people. I would always have
vacation left at the end of the year because I'd never taken it. The occasional day off or
three-day weekend, I thought it was enough for me. Well, it's not anymore. You realize
that if you don't actually actively get away, you're working just as hard at home; there's
still stuff to do: laundry, dry cleaning, errands, groceries. You're still running,
running, running just as much. You have to actually get away, go away.
DIGEST: I hope you have a good vacation planned.
WALKER: We already know what we're going to do next summer. We're going to do the Disney
cruise! SOD 10/17/00 |
Walker on the Wild Side
The past year has been quiet for Marcy
Walker, at least when compared to the previous 12 months, during which All My Children's
Liza saw her world turned upside-down by the revelation of Colby's paternity, and in real
life the actress wed Doug Smith. Now, though, Pine Valley life is about to get interesting
again for Walker, seeing as her archrival - Adam's presumed-dead wife, Arlene - has
resurfaced. Will Liza ever be able to become Mrs. Chandler again?
"We keep making plans to get married,
but it always falls through!" says Walker. "And now we're going through this
Arlene thing. It would be interesting to know what [the viewers] wanted."
Assured that many fans indeed want Liza to
reclaim her standing as Adam's wife, Walker then agrees with the "soul-mates"
label often assigned the pair. "A part of me, though, says, 'What are they going to
do?' I know [the producers] don't want to make it an 'Okay, they're married, fine,'
situation - that gets boring. They'd have to come up with something tremendous to continue
creating story for [Liza and Adam]."
Time For A House Call?
In any case, a passion-driven beauty like
Liza cannot be kept at bay for too long. After all, this is the vixen who in 1981 pursued
Greg Nelson with ardor, only to take on Tad one blink of an eye later. So, who can give
Liza the attention she deserves? Ex-beau Jake, perhaps? "It's totally a
possibility," Walker suggests. "When I heard they were looking for somebody new
to play him [following Michael Lowry's exit], I thought, 'Oh, I hope they get somebody
that Liza still would want to have a relationship with.' Then, when they brought in J.
Eddie Peck, I said, 'Well, this very much looks like someone she could've been attracted
"But would they ever spin Jake off
into my direction?" she continued. "They have him so helplessly in love with
Gillian. So maybe not."
Same Tad, Next Year?
Walker then touches upon the inescapable
prospect of another round for Liza and Tad, a duo, she says, that still have lots of
potential. "I really don't think [they are played out]," asserts the actress.
"I said to Michael [E. Knight, Tad], 'Wouldn't it be nice if they got to a point
where they would once in a while have dinner, share their troubles, then sort of fell into
a relationship?' Neither of them would speak of it; it would just happen, once every few
months, when times got tough, and they accepted it."
Alas, Walker concedes, Tad's current
situation doesn't jibe with her dream scheme. "This 'thing' with Dixie and David
doesn't fit with my thoughts," she sighs. "Tad and Liza couldn't be anything but
friends at this point."
Next Stop: Port Charles?
Perhaps Walker's next onscreen affair lies
beyond AMC's Pennsylvania burg - say, a few hundred miles north, in General Hospital's
Port Charles, NY? For it is there that her former Santa Barbara leading man, A Martinez
(who played Cruz to her Eden), now resides.
"I've seen him a couple of times [on
GH]!" she announces, "and he was 'doing his thing'. It was so cool...but it made
me sad, too."
Enough to hop on ABC's crossover bandwagon
and temporarily move Liza to GH, where former SB boss Jill Farren Phelps now reigns?
"I see these other actors bouncing from show to show," Walker muses. "Maybe
they'll have me out there for a while to have a relationship [with Roy, Martinez's
character]. It kind of would be neat, don't you think?" SID 03/01 |
Character Profile Liza Colby
From high school student to high powered
TV executive, Liza Colby has certainly changed since she first arrived on All My Children
twenty years ago. But deep inside she's still the same insecure girl she always was.
Marcy Walker: She is selectively ruthless and she's painfully vulnerable. When she
first appeared in Pine Valley in 1981, Liza Colby had it all...money, looks, and Marian,
the mother from hell.
Marcy Walker: It was always competition with her mother. Anybody she ever brought
into the house, her mother would flirt with.
Liza tried and failed to win Greg away
from his true love, Jenny.
So, she set her sights on classmate, Tad
"The Cad" Martin.
Marcy Walker: He was a little more multi-dimensional than Greg at the time. Um,
because Tad had a bad side to him. But his bad side took over in terms that he was also
willing to be talked into bed by her mom. That was her mother taking the blue ribbon out
of her hand and saying, "You're not number one."
Alone and defeated, Liza left Pine Valley
in 1985.
Ten years later she returned to town with
a mission...to exact revenge to Tad. First she set out to ruin his career.
Marcy Walker: Liza's scorecard runs real deep and no matter how many decades go by,
she still has to tally. Getting the station manager job over Tad was simply conquering the
Next, with scorecard in hand, she was
intent on sabatoging the one thing Tad cherished most...his marriage.
Marcy Walker: Dixie was somebody that Liza always sort of wished that people would
see her as. What I use as impetus to go in and have a reason to destroy it was that she
really wanted to be that. So she kind of went in to destroy it just to prove that he
wasn't worthy.
Mission accomplished! So Liza moved on.
Marcy Walker:
(laughing) And then, there was Adam!
Adam Chandler is wealthy, powerful, complex.
Marcy Walker: I found a really great partner on the darkside with Adam. They kind
of realized that they were two of a kind.
David Canary: They both are willing to go to almost any lengths to help what they
believe in survive.
Even though they divorced when Liza sought
to have a child on her own, Adam secretly plotted and switched his sperm with the donors.
Marcy Walker: It pretty much broke her in two that he switched the sperm and he was
truly the father of her child.
David Canary: It seemed at the time almost an innocent way at saying I love you.
Marcy Walker: It almost gave her this kind of reason to just sort of give up and
realize that she just was going to continue to always have to be in love with him.
While Adam and Liza's relationship survived not only the sperm switch but two divorces and
three marriages, Marcy and David find comfort in working together.
Marcy Walker: David is an island. You can go there anytime you want with him. It
doesn't matter what the work is, he's available. He's accessible.
David Canary: I learn from her everytime I work with her.
If Liza's future is anything like her
past, look out Pine Valley!
Marcy Walker: I imagine her just like her mother, manipulative and flirting with
younger men...competing with her own daughter. I think that history for Liza will repeat
Soapcenter 08/01 |