Marcy Walker ARTICLES
- Surprise! She's a Good Girl at Heart!
- Why Marcy Walker Kept Her
Wedding A
- Marcy
Walker's Ecstatic: "I'm having a
- The Love
Story of Santa Barbara's Cruz
and Eden
- Marcy Walker
- How
Soap Stars Raise Their Kids
- Marcy Walker: On marriage, motherhood,
and those sizzling love scenes
- Marcy's Paris Diary
- SB Eden '91 Going Away Party
- Marcy Talking
About A Martinez
- Cruz and Eden's Family
- Can
Santa Barbara Survive Without
- Out of the Garden of Eden
- GL's
Marcy Walker "Love is the Answer"
- Introducing GLs Marcy Walker
- Kiss and Tell
- Back to the Future
- Liza Woos Tad
- Dixie and Tad's Breakup
- Psychotic
role shows WALKER's
villainous side
- Torn Between Two Loves
- The Juggler
- Liza's Manhunt
- Mother Knows Best
- The Play's the Thing
- AMC Stars Put on the
- More Marcy!
- AMC News Blurb
- Love Letters
- Liza's History
- Have Suitcase, Will
- Marcy Walker: "I'm Really
- Meet Liza Colby
- Marcy Walker chooses faith over soaps
- The New York Times
- She's found her 'Guiding Light'
- From Soaps to
Serving God
- Marcys most Memoral Christmas
- Marcy
Walker: "I love 'playing' a baddie ...
but wish people wouldn't hate me! I'm not
like Liza at all!"
- The Best Days of her Life ... are now!
- "Healthstyles
of the fit and famous"
- Marcy on Eden and Cruz, Edens Rape
and Unforgettable Scene
- Getting
Intimate with Santa Barbara's A
Martinez and Marcy Walker
- Interview from Soap Opera Update
- Marcy Walker on Liza Colby
- The Beginning of an Actress
- Walker, Pine Valley Ranger
- AOL 1995 Chat
- AOL 1998 Chat
- Cameron Clicks
- My Mother, Myself
- Marcy Walker Interview with TV Guide
- Liza with a Zing
- Marcy Walker's Serpentine
Through Life Has Brought Her...Peace &
- Beat The Clock
- Walker on the Wild Side
- Character
Profile Liza Colby
- Look Who's In Love...
- Clean up your act!
- Video Vixen
- Moving Madness
- Liza Drops a Bomb
- Sounding Board
- Soap Violence
- What was the Best Present you ever
gave at christmas?
- Guiding Light
- Runner-Up: Marcy Walker as Liza Colby
- Surprise Twist
- Leaders among Leading
- Gown & Out
in Santa Barbara
- Between Love And Hate
- My 2 Loves
- Rating The Soap
Star Hairstyles
- Bye Bye Barbara
- Performer of the Week
- "ROUND UP What is your best or
memory of going back to school?
- Hot Shot
- Will You Marry Me?
- Let's Do Brunch
- SOW names Marcy performer of the
week for w/o Dec. 2
- Hit ... The ugly
truth on AMC
- Performer of the Week
- Applause, Applause - Marcy
(Liza, All My Children)
- AMC Beauty falls for Younger Guy!
- A Mother's Nature
- Real Life
Duos and where they are now
- Beauty Bar - Stars Reveal Their
Beauty Blunders
- Hit...Liza's
confession on AMC
- Star Talk
- Grand Tribute
- Kicking The Habit
- High and Lau
- Round Up: Which celebrity is most like
soap character, and why?
- Beauty Secrets: Personally
- Soap Talk: Question: Do you have a
favorite household invention?
- A Big Break
- A Mothers Love
- Love's
First Blush Tad & Liza: All Fired
- Hello, Again
- Behind The
Scenes at the SOD Awards
- ABC News Blurb
- Picky, Picky
- Best
storyline on All My Children-Liza and
Adam's Romance
- Fowl Play |
Performer of the Week |
When Marcy Walker started out as All My
Children's Liza in 1981, she was the teen queen of mean. After honing her skills around
the dial and an 11-year-absence, Walker returned in 1995. Liza was grown up, but still a
viper. Over the years though, other facets emerged. Through motherhood and her love/hate
relationship with Adam, Liza softened. But that's not all there is to the character or
Walker's bag of tricks.
Though Liza's talent
for repartee is often on display in electric scenes with David Canary (Adam), Michael E.
Knight (Tad) and Jennifer Bassey (Marian), she hasn't often played unrestrained humor. Yet
another side of Liza was revealed during scenes in a New York hotel room where she tried
to get to ex-husband Adam by pretending to have sex with foe (and her former lover), Tad.
In a priceless scene, Liza, lying on a bed, banged her feet on the headboard and simulated
the sounds of noisy lovemaking. A bemused Tad walked in and deadpanned, "Was it as
good for you as it was for you?" Walker didn't need a response; her
uncharacteristically sheepish expression said it all.
It takes confidence
to play such zaniness, especially when it's not an everyday thing. Without a trace of
self-consciousness, Walker threw herself into the scene with abandon for delicious
When performers
excel at one kind of acting, they can get typecast. We all know that Walker is a
first-rate dramatic actress, but she also has a flair for comedy. By treating us to new
dimensions of a long-time character, AMC helps keep Liza fresh and fascinating. SOD
10/10/00 |
What is your best or worst
memory of going back to school?
"Best memories
are buying school clothes. It was heaven to be able to buy three or four outfits. It felt
like you were on a spree. You just felt special that everything around you was new and
fresh. The worst was almost every year, my mom would decide a day or two before I went
back to school that I needed a perm. (laughs). This was the time you used those home
perms. I have these pictures of me on the first day of school; my hair just looks like
some fried rear end of a Brillo pad. The perms never worked for me. They just made me look
like a poodle head. I have not had a perm since I was 17, thank you!" SOD 09/19/00 |
"I love her. She's like my daughter.
She calls me 'Mom' off the set, as well as on the set. She's amazing to work with because
since the day I met her, she has never studied acting. She has always been totally
natural. When I was hired to do All My Children, they said, 'You're going to be working
with the best young actress on daytime television.' From the minute I got on the set with
her, there was this conection. She's so real and she has never had a class and that always
blows me away. She does what my acting teacher tried to get people to do, and she does it
naturally. It's amazing. You can watch her, and she's seamless. It's a real gift to work
with someone like that. Some people are like that; some people have to work hard, like
moi." - Jennifer Bassey (Marian, AMC). SOD 7/11/00 |
Will You Marry Me?
All My Children Marcy Walker
(Liza) & Doug Smith - Say Anything
Although Marcy Walker didn't get an Emmy
nod last year, her date for the evening - Doug Smith, whom she met through their church -
proved to be quite a prize later that September. "We were sitting in our sweats on
the couch at Marcy's home, watching TV," the actress' new husband explains. "We
were talking about something [which lead her so say],'Why do you ask?' I said, 'Well, I
was wondering if you would marry me.' It was that simple." Alas, getting Walker to
answer audibly took some prodding. "She was quiet for a long time," Smith
laughs. "I ended up asking, 'Are you going to answer me?' She replied, 'Oh, I did -
in my heart.' I was like, 'Okay. Now verbally would be good!" 4/18/00 |
Let's Do Brunch
Pine Valley fans spent one eggs-ceedingly
eggs-citing afternoon with five of their favorite stars!
When 200 people from as far away as London shared Sunday brunch with All My Children's
Marcy Walker (Liza), John Callahan (Edmund), Mark Consuelos (Mateo), Vincent Irizarry
(David), and Cameron Mathison (Ryan), questions were answered, fantasies were fulfilled,
and memorable moments were in plentiful supply!
At the New Jersey gathering, Irizarry
revealed his desire to do a Broadway musical; Mathison managed to keep his shirt on while
cheering on Ryan/Gillian fans; Walker explained Liza's love for evil Adam; and Callahan
did a riotous impression of past and future co-star Michael Nader (ex-Dimitri).
Walker's husband, Doug Smith, joined her
at the event. Asked about Liza's romantic prospects, the actress offered, "I always
felt that it would be interesting to have her go for Stuart. It would make her mom so mad!"
SOD 4/4/00 |
SOW names Marcy
performer of the week for w/o Dec. 2
From SOW Dec. 31 issue
When Liza acknowledged her role in Mia's
plunge from the window, Marcy Walker showed that Liza's grief had shattered her.
Walker started big, with a weepy scene at
Mia's beside, as Liza tried to assuage her guilt by talking to the unconscious Mia. Liza
broke down and sobbed her apology, and Adam caught Liza smeared with unflattering tears.
Talk of Mia coming home caused Liza to smile, and her eyes brightened with hope. But, as
Adam talked glowingly about Mia, Liza struggled to control her grief. She couldn't contain
the tears and slowly cracked as the guilt spread over her face.
Later in the week, Walker was more subtle,
ably assisted by Michael E. Knight's supportive Tad. When Tad asked if she pushed Mia out
the window, Liza hesitated. Walker looked confused by the question - not indignant, not
defiant. She shook her head and searched Tad up and down with her eyes before responding
with a firm "Yes, I did," a single tear tracing her right cheek. Her character's
grief was communicated without a big show.
As Liza tried to explain herself, Walker
portrayed her as rattled, but in control; she seemed resigned to the awful truth coming
out as she recounted the mistaken assumption that sent hre sister to the hospital. Talking
of her daughter, Colby, brought tears to Liza's eyes; her voice rose in pitch and
intensity, but she managed to hold back the sobs.
"You didn't want it to happen,
right?" Tad asked. "Oh, gosh, you're my best friend. If you don't believe me no
one will," she insisted, her head shaking, her voice bubbling with emotion.
Tad tried to convince her to come forward,
and Liza turned from him, bit her knuckle, looked pleadingly to the sky, and finally gave
in to sullenness. Of course, Mia arrived just in time to hear Liza's confession - but too
late to savor Walker's solid performance. |
Hit ... The ugly truth on AMC.
On AMC, Marcy Walker's Liza suffered from
a brain tumor and underwent emergency surgery. When we saw her in her hospital room, Liza
looked like hell - and was she ever a sight for sore eyes!
Liza's face was a mess of mottled
blue and red skin flecked with ugly black streaks. Her countenance was puffy, her eyes
were swollen, and her mouth drooped just like it would after an operation.
This marked a refreshing about-face from
the usual, facile makeup strategy for ailing characters: Just skip the eye shadow and
shiny lip gloss and boom! you look "sickly."
Walker also perfectly faced up to the
challenge of portraying the persona of a post-operative person; she behaved sluggishly and
spoke in a weak, exhausted voice.
Major kudos to Marcy Walker for not
letting pride get in the way and trying to save face; she gamely allowed herself to look
disfigured - really - for the sake of a role. In sports, risking physical injury for the
team is known as "giving up the body." Here Walker gave up her face (an act that
conjures the hockey term "face save" for when a goalie blocks a shot with his
mask) for the show By ravaging Liza's visage, AMC forced Liza to face the music. |
Performer of the Week
Marcy Walker's consistently absorbing
performances help viewers to leave the real world behind and lose themselves in Pine
Valley for an hour.
When Walker orginated the role of All My
Children's Liza in 1981, the teen was a snobby, meanspirited schemer. When the actress
reclaimed the character after 11 years in 1995, she kept Liza's edginess and haughtiness,
but gradually transformed her into a complex heroine, as well. Thanks to Walker's textured
portrayal, viewers know that even though Liza has mellowed and is more vulnerable than
could have been imagined back when she was torturing poor Jenny and Greg in high school,
there's still that chance that the old hard-as-nails manipulator may resurface if pushed
too far. (Got that, Jake?)
Walker uses everything in her considerable
arsenal - facial expressions, body language, the inflections in her voice - to breathe
life into the character. During recent scenes when Liza implored Tad to stop his brother,
Jake, from proceeding with the custody battle for Colby, Walker's eyes conveyed
vincibility and desperation, and when Tad turned her down, subtle flashes of arrogance.
When walking into the enemy camp - a
Martin family gathering - a fidgety Liza's discomfort was palpable. And when Liza was
forced to swallow her pride and enlist Adam as an ally, her tortured expression and
hesitatant, downtrodden delivery said more than even the softly-spoken words:
"Adam...I need...to postpone the divorce...I need your help in fighting this."
And just like that, a compelling hour was
up. SOD 2/22/00 |
Applause, Applause -
Marcy Walker (Liza, All My Children)
Outstanding Performer For The Week of Jan.
Because we hear Adam tell Liza all the
time that she is his female counterpart, it would seem obvious that she could be portrayed
as such. But just as Liza will not succumb to labeling, neither will Marcy Walker. That's
where the depth of her performance is revealed: Walker's Liza struggles with her nature,
and that struggle gives her a soul. Her portrayal of a mother fighting for her child's
future reminds us just how dynamic a performer Walker is.
True, Walker's demeanor admits, Liza's
style is similar to Adam's: a well-practiced facade that reveals little, a staunch poker
face, a defiant jaw. But Walker gives Liza a very real distaste for her manipulative side,
whereas Adam revels in his. When Adam tries to get her to cop to their similarities,
Walker assumes the complicated air of a woman stuck with a nature she can't ignore...or
What a treat it was to see Walker let Liza
give into this nature with abandon in her recent scenes. Her embodiment of a mother with
one desperate secret - along with the knowledge that her daughter's fate lies in the
continued concealment of that secret - could have easily turned into the
woman-betrayed-by-her-man crusading hysteric a la Salley Field in Not Without My
Daughter. But Walker put a manic twist on Liza's reactions to Jake's vow to sue for
custody. The desperation in her eyes along with the despondent tone in her voice, showed
just how little room to maneuver Liza's situation has given her. Walker's brave defiance
when Liza demanded that Adam move out illuminated both her character's iron will and her
risky response to his challenge of war. But it was Liza's plea to Gillian to postpone her
wedding, from the snappish accusation the moment Jake left the room all the way to her
true devastation at Gillian's refusal, that made Walker's portrayal of a woman on the
edge, almost insane with desperation, a true high point in an already enrapturing story.
SOW 2/22/00 |