Marcy Walker ARTICLES
- Surprise! She's a Good Girl at Heart!
- Why Marcy Walker Kept Her
Wedding A
- Marcy
Walker's Ecstatic: "I'm having a
- The Love
Story of Santa Barbara's Cruz
and Eden
- Marcy Walker
- How
Soap Stars Raise Their Kids
- Marcy Walker: On marriage, motherhood,
and those sizzling love scenes
- Marcy's Paris Diary
- SB Eden '91 Going Away Party
- Marcy Talking
About A Martinez
- Cruz and Eden's Family
- Can
Santa Barbara Survive Without
- Out of the Garden of Eden
- GL's
Marcy Walker "Love is the Answer"
- Introducing GLs Marcy Walker
- Kiss and Tell
- Back to the Future
- Liza Woos Tad
- Dixie and Tad's Breakup
- Psychotic
role shows WALKER's
villainous side
- Torn Between Two Loves
- The Juggler
- Liza's Manhunt
- Mother Knows Best
- The Play's the Thing
- AMC Stars Put on the
- More Marcy!
- AMC News Blurb
- Love Letters
- Liza's History
- Have Suitcase, Will
- Marcy Walker: "I'm Really
- Meet Liza Colby
- Marcy Walker chooses faith over soaps
- The New York Times
- She's found her 'Guiding Light'
- From Soaps to
Serving God
- Marcys most Memoral Christmas
- Marcy
Walker: "I love 'playing' a baddie ...
but wish people wouldn't hate me! I'm not
like Liza at all!"
- The Best Days of her Life ... are now!
- "Healthstyles
of the fit and famous"
- Marcy on Eden and Cruz, Edens Rape
and Unforgettable Scene
- Getting
Intimate with Santa Barbara's A
Martinez and Marcy Walker
- Interview from Soap Opera Update
- Marcy Walker on Liza Colby
- The Beginning of an Actress
- Walker, Pine Valley Ranger
- AOL 1995 Chat
- AOL 1998 Chat
- Cameron Clicks
- My Mother, Myself
- Marcy Walker Interview with TV Guide
- Liza with a Zing
- Marcy Walker's Serpentine
Through Life Has Brought Her...Peace &
- Beat The Clock
- Walker on the Wild Side
- Character
Profile Liza Colby
- Look Who's In Love...
- Clean up your act!
- Video Vixen
- Moving Madness
- Liza Drops a Bomb
- Sounding Board
- Soap Violence
- What was the Best Present you ever
gave at christmas?
- Guiding Light
- Runner-Up: Marcy Walker as Liza Colby
- Surprise Twist
- Leaders among Leading
- Gown & Out
in Santa Barbara
- Between Love And Hate
- My 2 Loves
- Rating The Soap
Star Hairstyles
- Bye Bye Barbara
- Performer of the Week
- "ROUND UP What is your best or
memory of going back to school?
- Hot Shot
- Will You Marry Me?
- Let's Do Brunch
- SOW names Marcy performer of the
week for w/o Dec. 2
- Hit ... The ugly
truth on AMC
- Performer of the Week
- Applause, Applause - Marcy
(Liza, All My Children)
- AMC Beauty falls for Younger Guy!
- A Mother's Nature
- Real Life
Duos and where they are now
- Beauty Bar - Stars Reveal Their
Beauty Blunders
- Hit...Liza's
confession on AMC
- Star Talk
- Grand Tribute
- Kicking The Habit
- High and Lau
- Round Up: Which celebrity is most like
soap character, and why?
- Beauty Secrets: Personally
- Soap Talk: Question: Do you have a
favorite household invention?
- A Big Break
- A Mothers Love
- Love's
First Blush Tad & Liza: All Fired
- Hello, Again
- Behind The
Scenes at the SOD Awards
- ABC News Blurb
- Picky, Picky
- Best
storyline on All My Children-Liza and
Adam's Romance
- Fowl Play |
Question: Do you have a favorite
household invention? |
Marcy Walker:
"The vacuum cleaner, because one of the things I love the most is being able to walk
around my floors barefoot, and if there's little rocks or dirt or hair or anything, it
drives me nuts. I love being able to know every inch of my floor is clean."
That's a Fact: In part, Walker left AMC in
1984 for fear of being typecast as a vamp. SID 04/02/01 |
It's hard to imagine, but even Marcy
Walker (Liza) didn't get the first role she tried out for on AMC. "I had just moved
to New York City when I was 17," she explains, "and I auditioned for a role that
I didn't get." But that obviously wasn't the end of her Pine Valley experience.
"They called me back, and I auditioned when they were bringing on the characters of
Liza, Jesse, Jenny, Greg and Amanda." Lucky for Walker, she was cast in the role of
bratty teenager Liza Colby, and the rest is history. "I was so excited because I was
about ready to turn eighteen, and I was living on no money," she recalls. "it
was the best day." SID 10/15/02 |
A Mothers Love
Considering how much kids put their moms
through, it's amazing that we only celebrate Mother's Day once a year! This go-round, to
mark the special occasion, we gave soap-star mothers a chance to talk about their kids and
soap-star kids the opportunity to give a shout out to the women who made it all possible!
A Matter of Trust
As her son Taylor, 13, has grown, so too
has Marcy Walker (Liza, AMC), who admits that "you become a different sort of mother
when they are 13 than you were when they're 5 or 6." Not that change is a bad thing!
"We are able to have an honest and trusting relationship because he's grown up with
me as a mom, knowing he can come to me with anything," says Walker. "I'm very,
very happy and, to use an overused word, truly blessed to have our relationship be this
way." SID 05/14/02 |
Love's First Blush Tad & Liza: All Fired
When they met, Tad was a runaway con
artist still struggling with angst over his complicated family, and Liza was an insecure,
wealthy snob who felt the world owed her something. Despite their differences, the sparks
flew between them right from the start. Anxious to get over her obsession with Greg
Nelson, Liza succumbed to Tad's charm and fell directly into his welcoming bed.
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before she learned the cad was also sleeping with her
sex-starved mother!
Flash Forward: Many years and many lovers later, Tad and Liza were working at television
station WRCW when they discovered they sill made a certain kind of sense together. Having
crossed the line between business and pleasure before, now the simultaneously single duo
finally have a license to see where their connection might lead. Might the benefit of
maturity turn them from oil and water into a rather nice blend? |
Hello, Again
What happens when an
actor leaves a role -- for years -- and then decides to return?
COMING HOME. Certain actors are indelibly etched in a role. So, even if years have passed
-- and the part has been recast -- the chance to bring a dynamic actor back to a soap is
often too good to pass up. ... No doubt about it, the first day back can be
nerve-wracking. For Marcy Walker, it was positively Pine Valiant. "I was nervous in
the beginning," confirms Walker, who reprised the role of Liza Colby on ALL MY
CHILDREN in 1997 after an 11-year absence. "It's hard to explain. It was the same,
yet different. Kind of like discovering this comfortable, old robe you used to wear and
going, 'Oh gosh, I used to love this! It still fits and it's really comfortable!' That's
what going back was like."
Of course, Walker
had a few old pals around to ease her reentry -- including Michael E. Knight (Tad).
"The first time I saw him, it was pretty funny," she recalls, laughing. "He
walked into the room and just looked at me. He said, 'Boy, this is a mind blow.' I said,
'I know.'" Walker adds, though, that her character's place on the show has definitely
changed. "We were the youth story a decade ago, and now they have this Gen X story
going on," she says. In the early '80s, Tad, Liza, Greg, Jenny, Jesse, and Angie
provided the teen angst. Now, Bobby, Anita, Kelsey and Scott are the Clearasil kids.
"We've moved up in the ranks," Walker explains. "I think it's a great
parallel to see this new set of high school people in the position [we used to be in]. It
creates more character development." In other words, they've grown up. |
Behind The Scenes at the SOD Awards
Soap Opera Digest: March 1996;
Author unknown
Marcy Walker (Liza,
ALL MY CHILREN) won the first award of the night as Outstanding Supporting Actress.
"It was all so quick, it was like coming out of the cute," she quipped later.
"I forgot to thank [Executive Producer] Francesca James, so if I'm out of a job, you
need to get me another one." |
News Blurb
From Soap Opera Digest Date
unknown, 1996; Author unknown
Outstanding Supporting Actress Marcy
Walker (Liza) raided her character's wardrobe for her chic Badgley Mischka pantsuit.
"I'm the suit goddess," she quipped. Eyeing the sea of skimpy dresses at the
awards reception, Walker continued, "I'm not one of the young ones anymore. I have an
8-year-old son!" |
From Soap Opera Weekly
May 19, 1998; Author unknown
Doesn't a star like AMC's Marcy Walker
(Liza) rate a new wardrobe? We've seen that ugly red satin blouse for going on two
years... |
Best storyline on All My Children-Liza and
Adam's Romance
The tale in a nutshell:
In an inspired pairing of two of AMC's
strongest characters, Adam and Liza pretended to plan a wedding to make former loves
Brooke and Tad jealous. When Liza found out that Adam was lying about giving her half of
WRCW, sshe tricked him into going through with the ceremony. A cat-and-mouse game ensued
in which Liza tried to seduce Adam (to make the marriage legitimite) and he rejected her
(to avoid a settlement). Meanwhile, the groom found himselfunexpectedly jealous of young
Jake Martin, who was wooing the bride. Finally, the newlyweds indulged in a night of
passion, but immediately denied that it meant anything to them. Liza signed divorce papers
(with no settlement), but the couple agreed to delay their breakup and serve as
"Couple of the Year" at the Cindy Chandler AIDS benefit. Meanwhile, Liza
engineered Dimitri's sale of WRCW to her, but Adam didn't trust her motives. This
pigheaded twosome can't bring theirselves to admit what everyone else can see: They're in
love. Soap Opera Digest July 1, 1997
Quote from SOD:
Why is Liza attracted to Adam (David
Marcy Walker responds:"They're two
obstinate, stubborn people. They've fallen in love and they don't want to admit it." |
If the Perdue company needs an actor for
its next commerical, perhaps they should call upon Michael E. Knight (Tad), who - after
one particularly long day at work - invented his own version of the chicken dance.
"Whenever you do weddings or parties on the show, things can run until two or three
o'clock in the morning," he explains. "You have six lines... and then wait
another three hours for your next three lines. [One time], we were doing something at the
Chandler mansion and nobody was getting along. Marcy [Walker, Liza] finally said to me at
about 11 o'clock at night, 'Don't you feel like we're a flock of chickens pecking each
other's eyes out?'" Taking that as his cue, Knight says he made it his mission to
make Walker laugh at every opportunity he could. "I would wait until she was ready to
say her lines, then I would be in the background doing [a chicken imitation]." |